Add, find, edit, or delete a contact in Outlook

You can create new contacts from scratch in the People page or add someone as a contact from their profile card. A contact can be as basic as a name and email address, or include more information like a street address, multiple phone numbers, and a profile picture.

In Outlook, you have the option to:

Add a contact  |  Find a contact  |  Edit a contact  |  Delete a contact

Add a contact

You can add a contact from scratch or from someone's profile card.

Add a contact from scratch

  1. From the Outlook navigation pane, select People button icon  People.

  2. On the Home tab, select New contact.

    Screenshot showing New Contact on the ribbon

  3. Enter a name and any other details you would like, then select Save.

Tip: You can enter additional contact information any time. Select the contact from the list, then select Edit contact, and begin adding more information. 

Add a contact from someone's profile card

  1. In Mail, open an email message in the reading pane, and then select the name of the sender or recipient you want to add to your contacts.

  2. On the profile card that opens, at the bottom of the card, select Add to contacts.

  3. Enter details for the contact.

  4. Select Save.

Find a contact

  1. On the side panel, select People button icon  People.

  2. Select the Search box at the top of the window.

  3. Type the name, phone number, or company name for the contact you are searching for.

  4. Choose the person you want from the search results.

Edit a contact

You can add or update a contact's information or photo.

Add or update contact information

  1. From the navigation pane, select People button icon  People.

  2. Double click the contact you would like to edit.

  3. Add or update the information for your contact.

  4. When you're finished, select Save.

Add or update a contact's photo

  1. From the navigation pane, select People button icon  People.

  2. Select the contact that you want to add or update the photo for and select Edit contact.

  3. Select Add photo.

    Screenshot showing option to add a photo for a contact

  4. Select Upload a new photo, choose the file you want to use, and then select Open to upload.

  5. If you want to reposition the photo, click inside the circle and drag the pointer. To zoom in or out, use the slider below the photo.

  6. Select Apply, and then select Done.

Delete a contact

  1. From the navigation pane, select People button icon  People.

  2. Select the contact you want to delete, then you can either select Delete from the ribbon or right-click the contact and select Delete.

  3. Select Delete again to confirm.

In Outlook, you have the option to: 

Add a contact  |  Find a contact  |  Edit a contact  |  Delete a contact

Add a contact

You can add a contact from scratch or from someone's profile card.

Add a contact from scratch

  1. From the navigation bar, select People button icon  People.

  2. On the People page, select New contact from the ribbon.

    Screenshot of New Contact on ribbon of classic Outlook

  3. Add any additional details you want.

  4. Select Save & Close.

Add a contact from someone's profile card

  1. In Mail, open an email message in the reading pane, and then select the name of the sender or recipient you want to add to your contacts.

  2. On the profile card that opens, select More options  View more options for interacting with this person, then select Add to Outlook Contacts.

  3. Enter details for the contact, then select Save & Close.

Find a contact

  1. From the navigation bar, select People button icon  People.

  2. Select the Search box at the top of the window.

  3. Type the name of the contact you are searching for.

  4. Choose the person you want from the search results.

Edit a contact

You can add or update a contact's information or photo.

Add or update contact information

  1. On the navigation bar, select  People People.

    Click People

  2. Double click the contact you would like to edit.

  3. Add or update the information for your contact.

  4. When you're finished, select Save & Close.

    Screenshot showing Save and close for contact in classic Outlook

Add or update a contact's photo

  1. From the navigation bar, select People button icon  People.

  2. Double click the contact that you want to add or update the photo for.

  3. Double click their existing photo or select the  classic Outlook add photo to contact button Add Contact Picture button.

    Tip: For a contact that you previously added a photo for, you can right click the existing photo, and select either Change Picture or Remove Picture.

  4. Choose the file you want to use, and then select Open to upload.

Delete a contact

  1. From the navigation bar, select People button icon  People.

  2. Go to the contact you want to delete, and then you can either right-click the contact and select Delete, or double click the contact and select Delete from the ribbon.

In the web version of Outlook, you have the option to:

Add a contact  |  Find a contact  |  Edit a contact  |  Delete a contact

Add a contact

You can add a contact from scratch or from someone's profile card.

Add a contact from scratch

  1. On the side panel, select People button icon  People.

  2. On the Home tab, select New contact.

    Screenshot showing New Contact on the ribbon

  3. Enter a name and any other details you would like, then select Save.

Tip: You can enter additional contact information any time. Select the contact from the list, then select Edit contact, and begin adding more information. 

Add a contact from someone's profile card

  1. In Mail, open an email message in the reading pane, and then select the name of the sender or recipient you want to add to your contacts.

  2. On the profile card that opens, at the bottom of the card, select Add to contacts.

  3. Enter any additional details for the contact, then select Save.

Find a contact

  1. On the side panel, select People button icon  People.

  2. Select the Search box at the top of the window.

  3. Type the name, phone number, or company name for the contact you are searching for.

  4. Choose the person you want from the search results.

Edit a contact

You can add or update a contact's information or photo.

Add or update contact information

  1. On the side panel, select People button icon  People.

  2. Select the contact you would like, then select Edit contact.

  3. Add or update the information for your contact.

  4. When you are finished, select Save.

Add or update a contact's photo

  1. On the side panel, select People button icon  People.

  2. Select the contact that you want to add or update the photo for.

  3. Select Edit contact, then select the camera button.

  4. Select Upload a new photo, choose the file you want to use, and then select Open to upload.

  5. If you want to reposition the photo, click inside the circle and drag the pointer. To zoom in or out, use the slider below the photo.

  6. Select Apply, and then select Done.

Delete a contact

  1. On the side panel, select People button icon  People.

  2. Select the contact you want to delete, then you can either select Delete from the ribbon or right-click the contact and select Delete.

  3. Select Delete again to confirm.

See Also

Manage your contacts in Outlook

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